Category Archives: Wildlife Rehabilitation Courses

Get FULL-ACCESS to ALL of our Courses

Half-Price Sale

Would you like FULL-ACCESS to ALL of our courses, NOW AND IN THE FUTURE?

Red Creek Wildlife Center publishes new courses as time allows, and you have immediate access to all of the new courses when they are published.

Why do we make this offer?

We offer these classes to save animals — Not to make money!

One of Red Creek Wildlife Center’s missions is to help others become wildlife rehabilitators. It is through these students that we can help save even more animals than just those who are admitted to our center. These courses are essential for new wildlife rehabilitators, and those studying to become a wildlife rehabilitator.

We can’t offer these courses for free because they cost us so much to produce, but we do try to keep our prices reasonable. We understand that wildlife rehabilitators often donate their time and pay for their own supplies. They can’t afford massive prices.

But we also want to be sure that those enrolling in our courses are committed and value the education. Once someone makes the investment of enrolling in full-access, we want to help them as much as we possibly can in the future. We do this by including all of our online courses produced by Red Creek in the future without ever charging again. No yearly fees, no hidden surprises.

How long is this membership good? As long as Peggy is producing classes – AND SHE HAS NO PLANS OF RETIRING!

Peggy Hentz, Red Creek’s Founder, has been rehabilitating wildlife since receiving her first permits in 1991. In 2013, she turned over the daily animal care at Red Creek to a younger generation of wildlife rehabilitators and embraced educating future rehabilitators.

Beginning in Pennsylvania, Peggy conducted weekend classes at Red Creek and developed the “Basics in Wildlife Rehabilitation Series.” She also developed Pennsylvania’s certification program for Wildlife Capture and Transport and for rehabilitators who seek approval to treat Threatened and Endangered Species.

It was an immense passion that drove Peggy to rehabilitate wildlife and create Red Creek Wildlife Center. Today, that same passion is focused on creating new educational opportunities for you and anyone who wishes to save wildlife, do it well and lawfully.

Have you purchased individual classes already?

Sign up for FULL-ACCESS and get credit for the courses you’ve already paid for. We refund your past enrollment fees to your PayPal account once you are enrolled, and we’ve confirmed your past enrollment!


50% OFF – $250.00

(I guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will NEVER be shared)

Please allow 24 hours for full enrollment to complete.


Wildlife Capture and Transport – Pennsylvania Certification

For those seeking permits for the capture and transport of wildlife in Pennsylvania, this eight-hour course is the first step in helping you meet the Pennsylvania state permitting requirements.

This entertaining and enlightening course covers the basics of wildlife capture in the field including legal issues, safety, equipment, recognizing true emergencies, proper capture and handling techniques, public relations, and education.

A written exam will be given at the end of class. A passing score of 80% (along with sponsorship from a permitted wildlife rehabilitator and approval by the local WCO) is necessary for obtaining a permit in Pennsylvania.



Pennsylvania Laws and Regulations
Initial Public Contact
Situational Planning
Adult Emergencies
Understanding Rabies
Baby Wildlife Emergencies
Common Baby Mammal Calls
Common Baby Bird Calls
Handling Raptors
Handling Non-Raptors
Handling Mammals
First Aid

A certificate for 8 hours will be awarded on completion of the course.

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $49.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.


Intake and Exam – Basics in Wildlife Rehabilitation Short Course

When an animal first arrives for rehabilitation, the initial steps you take to examine and stabilize the animal can impact its survivability. Your immediate actions can save the animal, or hasten its death.

This is the first series of lessons in the
Basics in Wildlife Rehabilitation Series.

This set of lessons must be completed prior to advancing to several other lessons.


  • Stress in the Wild Patient
  • Cursory Exam
  • Stabilization of Immediate Life-Threatening Conditions (ABCs)
  • Physical Exam


Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $27.99


To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.

A certificate for 4 hours will be presented on successful completion of the course

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Wound Care, Bandaging and Splinting – Basics in Wildlife Rehabilitation

Most adult wild animals admitted for rehabilitation are suffering from injuries. Being able to properly address wounds and splint fractures are important skills for the wildlife rehabilitator. This course contains the essentials for helping an animal recover from traumatic injuries.


Introduction – Wound Terminology
Fracture Terminology
Fracture Placement
Basic Wound Care
Introduction to Bandaging
Bandaging Fractures
Applying a Figure 8 Bandage (Step-by-step with movies)
Applying a Figure 8 Bandage with a Body Wrap (Step-by-step with movies)
5-05 Bandaging Limbs (Step-by-step with movies)
5-06 Getting Creative with Bandaging

A certificate for 8 hours will be awarded on completion of the course.

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $49.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.


Basic Avian Anatomy for Wildlife Rehabilitators

Understanding the basic anatomy of a bird, and the proper terminology is essential for identification, handling, bandaging orthopedic injuries, and when communicating with your veterinarian.

This short-course only takes about 2 hours to complete but has all of the “need-to-know” information on avian anatomy for a wildlife rehabilitator.


Basic Anatomy Terminology
Avian respiration
Ruptured air sacs
The avian skeletal system

A certificate for 3 hours will be presented on successful completion of the course

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $27.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.


Fluid Therapy for Wildlife Rehabilitators

In wildlife rehabilitation, almost every animal that comes in is going to be suffering from some level of dehydration. Rehydration alone can save many of your treatable patients.

Being able to detect and treat hydration properly may be the most important skill for a wildlife rehabilitator.

Course Information:

This self-paced, non-accredited course will prepare the wildlife rehabilitator to detect an animal’s level of dehydration, calculate an effect rehydration protocol for the animals, properly select the right fluids for its condition, as well as administer fluid therapy by oral and injectable methods common in a wildlife rehabilitation setting.

      • Identifying Dehydration
      • Understanding Replacement Fluids
      • PH Balance Effect of Dehydration
      • Rehydration Math (part-1)(ratios)
      • Calculating a Rehydration Protocol
      • Fluid Administration Routes – Oral (with video instruction)
      • Preparing Fluid for Injection (with video instruction)
      • Fluid Administration Routes – Subcutaneous (with video instruction)
      • Fluid Administration Routes – Intraperitoneal (with video instruction)
      • Fluid Administration Routes – IV and IO (with video instruction)

A certificate for 8 hours will be awarded on completion of the course.

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $49.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.


Essential Nutrition for Wildlife Rehabilitators

Compared to the variety an animal eats in the wild, food offered in a wildlife rehabilitation setting is quite limited. Optimal nutrition is important for growth, healing and conditioning.

It is essential that food offered meets the highest nutritional composition and is easily recognized and digested by the species.

This class includes the essentials a wildlife rehabilitator needs to meet these goals.



Refeeding Syndrome in Wildlife Patients
Calculating Calories
Trophic Categories, the Key to Meeting an Animal’s Diet
Carnivore Nutrition
Piscivore Nutrition
Calculating Thiamin Supplementation in the Piscivore Diet
Insectivore Nutrition
Substitution Diets for Wildlife
Avoiding Metabolic Bone Disease
Calculating Calcium Correction of Diets
Overview of Vitamins and Minerals
Understanding Milk Composition
Creating Milk Formulas that Meet a Species Needs’
Nestling Nutrition

A certificate for 8 hours will be presented on successful completion of the course

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $49.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.


Hygiene and Zoonosis – Basics in Wildlife Rehabilitation

To keep yourself and your staff healthy, and to stop diseases from spreading through the animals that you care for, good hygiene protocols and zoonosis prevention needs to be in place. Knowing your risks and understanding how to reduce those risks is critical for all wildlife rehabilitators.

This short course only takes about two hours to complete, but it may be the most valuable two hours that you spend.

A certificate for 4 hours will be presented on successful completion of the course



Cleaning and Disinfecting in Wildlife Rehabilitation
Zoonotic Diseases Common in Wildlife Rehabilitation
Disinfecting and Product Use
Creating a Zoonosis Protection Plan


Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $27.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.

A certificate for 4 hours will be presented on successful completion of the course

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


The COMPLETE Course in Raising Neonatal Cottontails

Cottontail bunnies are the most frequent animal patients in many wildlife rehabilitation centers.


The developmental time from birth to weaning for bunnies is very short, and cottontails require fewer resources in time, space, and equipment than other baby mammal species. The high mortality rate, however, creates stress and frustration for the rehabilitator causing many rehabilitation centers to refuse bunnies or limit their intake.

Over two decades, Red Creek has developed protocols designed not only to duplicate what the bunny receives from the mother and the environment but also eliminating factors they would not normally be exposed to in nature.

In this course, the student will learn not only our protocols, but understand the reasons behind the methods so adjustments can be made in individual cases.

A written exam will be given at the end of class. A passing score is 80% . Students successfully passing the final exam receive a certificate for 12 hours of wildlife rehabilitation education.

Training Includes:

Understanding the Nest
Testing the Nest
Identifying True Emergencies
Aging Juveniles
Stress in Cottontails
Stabilization and the Cursory Exam
Determining Dehydration
Understanding Fluid Replacement Therapy
PH Balance Effect of Dehydration
Rehydration – How Much to Give
Rehydration – Administration Routes
Making a Neonatal Incubator
Understanding the Juvenile Cottontail’s Digestive System
Milk Formulas
Neonatal Care – Substrate and Stimulation
Neonatal Care – Feeding Protocols
Preventing Metabolic Bone Disease
Weaning 1
Weaning – Food Choices
Tularemia and Pox Virus
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Creating a Zoonosis Protocol

A certificate for 12 hours will be presented on successful completion of the course

Each student needs to sign the Terms of Service Agreement prior to each course


Enrollment Fee = $59.99

To enroll in any course you must first create a student account at our course gateway. You may then enroll in the course(s) of your choice.

Payment is made at the time of course selection.



Do you love working with animals? Have you ever thought about rehabilitating wildlife?

Wildlife rehabilitators are badly needed throughout the country, but the activity is highly regulated by each state and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

When our founder, Peggy Hentz, researched becoming a rehabilitator thirty years ago, she discovered that the biggest roadblock was a lack of education opportunities. Volunteering for years at a center that was hours away was impossible for her, and there were no college or traditional sources to gain the knowledge needed to give the wildlife the best of care. There had to be a better answer!

Today, Red Creek Wildlife Center is dedicating to delivering the education needed to get started on your journey to becoming a wildlife rehabilitator.

We developed Wildlife EDU’s online learning environment to give the student the best of in-person training, along with the convenience of training at home. You can absorb the content at your own pace. There’s no worry about keeping up with faster class members or being held back by those who take more time to learn the material.

You can enroll in classes one at a time through the menu on the left, or Sign up for FULL_ACCESS to all of our classes now, and all future classes.

Half-Price Sale on FULL-ACCESS

How long is this membership good? As long as Peggy is producing classes – AND SHE HAS NO PLANS OF RETIRING!

Peggy Hentz, Red Creek’s Founder, has been rehabilitating wildlife since receiving her first permits in 1991. In 2013, she turned over the daily animal care at Red Creek to a younger generation of wildlife rehabilitators and embraced educating future rehabilitators.

Beginning in Pennsylvania, Peggy conducted weekend classes at Red Creek and developed the “Basics in Wildlife Rehabilitation Series.” She also developed Pennsylvania’s certification program for Wildlife Capture and Transport and for rehabilitators who seek approval to treat Threatened and Endangered Species.

It was an immense passion that drove Peggy to rehabilitate wildlife and create Red Creek Wildlife Center. Today, that same passion is focused on creating new educational opportunities for you, and anyone who wishes to save wildlife, do it well, and lawfully.

Have you purchased individual classes already?

Sign up for FULL-ACCESS and get credit for the courses you’ve already paid for. We refund your past enrollment fees (up to the full-access enrollment cost) to your PayPal account once you are enrolled, and we’ve confirmed your past enrollment!


50% OFF – $250.00

(I guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will NEVER be shared)

Please allow 24 hours for full enrollment to complete.
